Last updated: 5-Apr-2024
These guidelines apply to any interaction within the site, of which they are currently limited to stage uploading.
Keep in mind Staff may make any stage UNPLAYABLE, UNLISTED or be DELETED if they break these guidelines.
Further violations may have your user BANNED. A BANNED user may not rate stages or upload stages.
BANS may be temporary or permanent. You will be notified of your ban reason if you're banned upon trying to perform one of the actions described above.
Staff reserves the right to use an appropiate punishment level for any violation; it is not limited to the category they are in.
We allow the editor to include any information in the stage metadata for flexibility purposes. However this does not mean that the fact you can write something implies you should. Stage metadata may not contain:
Like with the metadata you can do pretty much anything with the stage editor; it is a two-dimensional canvas, but the fact you can do Anything certainly does not mean you Should.
The above mentions for undesired stage content still apply, even though it's harder to do text in the stage editor for obvious reasons. This is extended further to more graphic depictions of any objectionable content. Accidents can happen (especially with such limited "resolution"), but don't overstep boundaries. We'll be watching.
Stages that intentionally break or exploit any flaw in Scaffold or BRICKBREAKER SPRINT may be deleted immediately and it also may be grounds for quick banning. If you find a flaw in either place, please let us know using the email button in the About page. If you come across a flaw while doing usual matters, do let us know the moment you notice.
Yeah... it is that simple. Plain spam may be deleted outright with no further deliberation.
Stages made unplayable will be playable again if you resubmit through Trowel pico. Don't abuse this -- this is intended to be so the stage is playable after you make changes. Abusing this may get the stage outright locked (prevented updates) or DELETED.
The editor is very freeform, but there are some stage conventions that must be followed, for example, if an element set is set to the LEFT half of the playground, ideally most of the bricks are in the LEFT half, or your "logical left" given your own design.
Also avoid things like overlapping bricks (inside and between element sets) and lack of awareness to where the next element sets will spawn.
You may upload your stage as UNLISTED through Trowel pico (or change the visibility yourself through Scaffold) to try your stage in BBSprint without it being public, so you can prototype your stage while you make it. I know, it's kind of a chore to do that, but the WebGL build of the game is finnicky with what's allowed and I would prefer to take no chances.
By the way, everything in moderation. Powerups are cool, but they're even better if you limit your providence of them. Having a ball be constantly unstoppable is not really that fun.
More often than not you'll be given a chance to remedy your error and the stage will not be deleted but changed this way instead.